A Fully Sanctioned Burning Man Regional

Center Camp

New for 2025: Center Camp is coming to PDF. It’s just like at the big burn, but smaller… and completely different.

Center Camp can be reserved for events in half hour blocks up to 2 hours.

Make your Center Camp reservation before adding your event to the WWW guide to avoid scheduling conflicts!

Now Open: Center Camp Reservations

Secure your Center Camp reservation BEFORE adding your event to the WWW Guide!

Center Camp Rules

  • Keep it family friendly. Events should be open to all burners 
  • No serving of alcohol. But we’re not going to ask what’s in your mug
  • No fire. That includes fire pits and spinning. 
  • Leave no trace. If you MOOP, you may be banned from hosting at Center Camp in the future.
  • Any conflicts or questions, go to information booth and they will sort it out or contact someone who can.

Center Camp FAQ

Is it first come first serve?

Kind of, but you have to sign up to reserve the space.

Where do I reserve Center Camp?

The online signup is linked at the bottom of the page, or

What kind of events can I host there?

Anything that draws a crowd. Music performances, Improv, Dance Party, Karaoke, Art demonstrations, Poetry Slam, Host a meal. Have a giant game of Duck Duck Goose. Get creative. I’m sure you’ll think of something original.

Can I have a fire there?

No. We are not providing a fire pit and ask that you do not bring one either.

Is there power?

Yes! There will be a generator available with 1500 watt service. 

How big is it?

That’s a rather personal question

I mean the camp size

That makes more sense. It’s an 18 by 30 foot canopy like the other PDF structures.

Does the event have to stay inside the canopy?

Of course not. That’s just there for your comfort and convenience.

What else you got for me?

Two large tables and a bunch of chairs. 

Can I rearrange them?

Any way you want

Will someone clean up after me when my event is over?

You must be new here. LEAVE NO TRACE.

Can I hang out with my friends there even if I didn’t reserve it?

Absolutely. Impromptu events are welcomed and encouraged. Just be aware of the schedule and prepared to vacate when the next scheduled host arrives. Of course you’ll get more buzz if you publish in the What Where When ahead of time.

Oh…we can do that?

Duh! I mean…. absolutely!

What if I have questions about Center Camp during PDF?

Go to the information tent next to Participation Station and they will have the answers.

How can you have a FAQ when this is brand new and no one has actually had a chance to ask these questions? Doesn’t the F stand for Frequently?!

No. These are Future Anticipated Questions.

Ah. Good save.

Thanks, Anything else?

Nah. I’m good.